Sunday, 31 July 2011

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I love Sundays. Now technically, as a stay at home mum, Sunday is really no different to any other day in the week, except it features Sunday lunch. Nice roast, vegetables to force down the children, indulgent pud.. nothing beats it.
This Sunday is especially nice as the husband has taken the children out for the afternoon. Not that I don't love my girls, but you don't need to have children to appreciate a little bit of me time goes a long way. So work out done ( so I don't feel guilty about the treacle sponge and custard), its onto the next project. Never seems to not be a project at the moment. This one is a bit of recycling/customising. Growing girls need new furniture and its very hard to find exactly what you're looking for. In this instance, it has to be pink (everything has to be pink) and with butterflies on. So far, the orange pine bed we bought on eBay for £20 looks like this:
Now, the eagle eyed among you may notice that the husbands shed is also a touch on the pink side. This was not me. He started it. Second coat and butterfly stickers to be added tomorrow then hopefully it will be a bed fit for a butterfly loving princess.

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