Saturday 1 October 2011

So, mummy, I can't draw on the table..

But you can burn into your desk?
Hell, yes!

It would seem I have reverted back to my teenage years. Not only am I constantly turned into 96 Rock or Radio One, I have started making my mark on things I own. I was always the girl at school with the army utility bag covered with the names of bands I was into, the art folder covered in similar. Now my work bench is getting the same treatment. Perhaps its because once you have children you become less yourself and someones mum. I'm pretty sure that the ladies at Wilbsy's pre school have no idea what my name is, I'm just Willow's mum. I imagine that a lot of mothers out there know exactly where I'm coming from. So maybe this is a, albeit a very small, shout for my independence. The other day I went out in a skirt that I made, a top I'd customised, a bracelet I'd made and with one of my bags and I don't think I looked too horrendous! It felt good, I felt like me. That's important. It's a slight way down the list of important things in my life, but it matters all the same.

So, once I've got my backside in gear, I've got a tutorial to write up on a purse I made, because I decided that size does matter.
And maybe a bit of a book review on a quirky little number called Everything Alice. I've made a few of the ideas in the book now and I'll post the results.

I'll be back soon. Running out of things to burn on anyway!

Take care. xx

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